Rosito Bisani Pasta Cookers & Extruders

Rosito Bisani Commercial Pasta Cookers & Extruders
Combining design, style and function for world class specialty food service applications
Rosito Bisani offers an innovative line of quality specialty foodservice equipment developed over decades of teamwork and collaboration with customers and factories. Rosito Bisani sets a higher standard and continues to innovate to improve reliability, value, and longevity, consistently providing the best specialty foodservice products in the industry.
Rosito Bisani
Rosito Bisani GP61 Gas Pasta Cooker
Rosito Bisani
Rosito Bisani GP62 Gas Pasta Cooker
Rosito Bisani
Rosito Bisani TR70 Pasta Extruder
Rosito Bisani
Rosito Bisani TR75 Pasta Extruder
Rosito Bisani
Rosito Bisani TR95 Pasta Extruder
Rosito Bisani
Rosito Bisani TR110 Pasta Extruder